Section: User Commands (1)
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trimfrms - copy run file while trimming each trace in the frames  


trimfrms [-s start] [-e end] [-d divisor(s)] [-y] source destination  


Trimfrms copies all of the files making up the run of the given source name, to the given destination name. These files are the frame file (.frm), the run description file (.txt), the frame description file (.frd), and the waveform files (.wnn). Any associated analysis(1) parameter file or waveform parameter files will not be copied. The name arguments can be given with or without the .frm suffix. While copying the frame file, trimfrms will trim data from the start and/or end of each trace in the frames, and/or downsample the trace data according to your specifications.

The destination name must correspond to the final run name. If you give the name of an existing run, it will be not be overwritten. You must first remove all of the destination's files if you want to replace it with a copy of the source.

Before beginning, trimfrms will show what the current window size is for the triggered sweeps, and if no start, end or divisor values are specified using command-line options, it will ask how much you want to trim from the start, and from the end. Enter the amounts in milliseconds. The default values are 0, for no trimming. It will then ask for the divisors for downsampling. You can give a single divisor, which will be applied to all traces, or give a list of divisors, separated by commas or spaces, that will be applied to any traces in the run in sequence. If you give less divisors than there are traces, the list is repeated as needed. Trimfrms will then indicate the new window size, and the resulting sizes for each trace.

If you are trimming from the start of the window, you will be warned if any trace will need to be time-shifted in the trimmed run. Such a time shift occurs when the sample rate divisor for any trace does not evenly divide the amount being trimmed from the start, expressed as a number of samples at the basic sampling rate.

After this, trimfrms asks you if it is OK to proceed. Type an N if you decide to cancel the operation - the new run will not be created. If you type a Y, or hit SPACE or RETURN, trimfrms will proceed with copying the files that make up the run. While copying and trimming the frame file, it will adjust the delay and window size parameters in the new run header, to reflect the new offset and length of the triggered sweeps.  


Without any of the -s, -e or -d options, trimfrms operates interactively, prompting for all three of these parameters. To operate without interaction, use these options:
-s start
Specifies the amount to trim from the start, in milliseconds.
-e end
Specifies the amount to trim from the end, in milliseconds.
-d divisor(s)
Specifies the sampling rate divisors for the traces, separated by spaces or commas, with the whole list as a single, quoted argument. A single divisor will be applied to all traces, and a list that is shorter than the number of traces in the run will be repeated as needed.
Specifies that the trimming will proceed without asking. Without this option, it will ask even if the other parameters are specified with the options above.


*.frm         frame files

*.txt          corresponding run descriptions

*.frd          corresponding frame descriptions

*.w??          corresponding waveform files


cap(1), dsepr(1), copyrun(1)



This document was created by man2html, using the manual pages.
Time: 17:58:07 GMT, February 20, 2019
Copyright © G. R. Detillieux, Spinal Cord Research Centre, The University of Manitoba.