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smr2run - convert Spike2 .smr (SON) format file to a run file  


smr2run [-v] [-q] [-n] smrfile [runfile]

smr2run [-v] [-q] [-n] -b smrfile ...  


Smr2run converts a SON-format .smr file of Spike2 waveforms into SCRC runfile format. Each waveform channel in the Spike2 data will produce a separate waveform file associated with the output runfile. Only SON data kinds 1 (Adc) and 9 (RealWave) are supported for now. Events and spike markers are skipped over in the input file. 64-bit .smr files are not yet supported, only 32-bit.

The smrfile name specifies the Spike2 .smr input file. The runfile name specifies the name of the run file to be created. If the runfile name is omitted, the name of the Spike2 file, with the .smr suffix removed, will be used as the output file name. You don't need to include the .frm suffix, or any other suffix, on the runfile name you specify. The necessary suffixes for all files created for the run will be appended automatically.  


Specifies batch mode, where all the following non-option arguments are Spike2 input file arguments, and the default runfile name (taken from each .smr file name) is used for each output runfile.
Specifies more verbose output from the conversion program. The -v option can be repeated, to increase verbosity, up to 4 times (more has no effect).
Specifies more quiet (less verbose) output. Only error and warning messages will be shown. The -v and -q options essentially cancel each other out, so you will typically use only one or the other.
Specifies that no output runfile or waveform files are generated. With -n, smr2run will only do a "dry run", reading and checking the input .smr file (or files in batch mode), and showing what it found as well as any errors or warnings if applicable. The -n option can be repeated a second time to cause smr2run to only do a quick scan of headers, and not read all the waveform data.

Start time field handling

The smr2run program transfers the SMR file's start time field to the new counterpart in the run header. Confusion can occur if SMR files move across time zones: Spike2 and Signal store the start time in local time, while run files use UTC for the start time in their run header. Smr2run does the conversion in the local time zone, which will result in an inaccurate start time in the run file if the SMR file originated from a different time zone. It is best to convert SMR files in the time zone in which they were captured, which can be overridden in software when running smr2run. E.g.:
TZ=Europe/Copenhagen smr2run cphdopa013.smr run013

See the directory /usr/share/zoneinfo on most systems for a list of time zone names known to the system.  


smr2run -v ks02.smr ks02conv
Converts one Spike2 data file into the specified runfile "ks02conv", listing all channels it finds including those not converted (non-Adc or RealWave data).
smr2run -q -b *.smr
Converts all Spike2 data files in current directory into corresponding runfiles, operating quietly.
smr2run -q -n -b *.smr
Checks all Spike2 data files in current directory to ensure they are readable, only giving output if any errors or warnings are encountered.
smr2run -b -v -n -n *.smr
Show header information for all Spike2 data files in current directory, listing all channels in each file.


*.smr  Spike2 input file

*.frm  frame file containing run header

*.w??  waveform files


calibrate(1), axon2run(1), asc2run(1), analysis(1), dsepr(1), frmfile(5)


Start time field handling

This document was created by man2html, using the manual pages.
Time: 17:58:07 GMT, February 20, 2019
Copyright © G. R. Detillieux, Spinal Cord Research Centre, The University of Manitoba.