Section: User Commands (1)
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rawwfplt - generate a series of raw waveform plot files  


rawwfplt [-g gifopts] [-s start] [-e end] [-f fps] [-l length] [-W 'wflist'] runfile [outname]  


Rawwfplt creates a series of HPGL plot files, or GIF images, that can be used as frames for an animated movie of the plotting of raw waveforms over time. The runfile argument, which must be specified, gives the name of the run file or analysis parameter file for the run of data to be plotted. The outname specifies the first file name in the series of plot files or image files. The number in that name will be incremented for subsequent frames. A maximum of 10000 plot or image files will be generated, so 4 digits in the file name will ensure correct sorting of output files by name. The default name is raww0000.plt for HPGL output, or raww0000.gif for GIF output.  


Specifies that you want the HPGL plot files converted to GIF images. This can be followed by options to hpgl2gif(1), if desired, to set size and colours. Also, if valid hpgl2gif options are given without the -g option, this option is assumed.
-s start
Specifies the start time in the runfile, in seconds (default is 0). Note that the start time, as well as the end and length arguments below, must be specified in seconds, and unit specifiers are not allowed after the numbers. This is unlike the analysis program and some other analysis scripts where time values are generally specified in ms with an optional unit specifier to override the default.
-e end
Specifies the end time (i.e. the start time of the last frame), in seconds (default is the end of the runfile).
-f fps
Specifies the frame rate, in plot files per second of data (default is 10). Note that in the context of this program, the term frame refers to an output plot or image in a series, and not the frames that make up the triggered traces in the runfile.
-l length
Specifies the length of data per frame, in seconds (default is 1). The purpose of this option is to display more data in a frame than occurs in the time-scale of a single frame. This has the effect of having the waveform data progressively appearing from left to right in the frame, until the frame is filled, and then scrolling left as more of the waveforms are shown. For example, in the default case of 10 frames per second with 1 second of data per frame, you will see the waveforms building up from left to right in the first 11 frames (the first will not show any waveform data), and in subsequent frames they will shift over to the left by 10% (or 100 ms of data) to reveal the next 100 ms slice of the waveforms.
-W 'wflist'
Specifies the list of waveforms to be plotted. This list must appear as a single argument, so it should be quoted or it should be written without any space characters in it. Note also that the W option is capitalized to distinguish it from the -w option which specifies the image width for hpgl2gif. By default, the "Raw W.F. # list" in the runfile's parameters will be used for the list of waveforms to plot, and if no analysis parameters are set, then all waveforms in the runfile are plotted.
Causes the program to output a summary of command usage and options.


rawwnnnn.plt   default output HPGL plot files

rawwnnnn.gif   default output GIF image files


analysis(1), hpgl2gif(1)



This document was created by man2html, using the manual pages.
Time: 17:58:06 GMT, February 20, 2019
Copyright © G. R. Detillieux, Spinal Cord Research Centre, The University of Manitoba.