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asc2run - convert ascii text voltage values to a run file  


asc2run [-s cols-to-skip] [-c channels] [-t tab-char] [-m mult] [-f freq] [-d 'divisors'] [-u units] asciifile runfile  


Asc2run converts an ASCII text file of voltage values into a runfile. The asciifile name specifies the input file, that contains columns of numbers separated by the specified tab character. Numbers must be in Volts, or you will need to correct the calibration information in the output, or use an alternate unit specifier. If the first line contains columns of text labels rather than numbers, these will be used as the waveform names. Otherwise the waveforms are named after the column of numbers used. Blank lines in the file are ignored. A file name of - causes asc2run to read from the standard input. The runfile name specifies the name of the run file to be created. Don't include the .frm suffix, or any other suffix, on the runfile name you specify. The necessary suffixes for all files created for the run will be appended automatically.  


-s cols-to-skip
Specifies columns of numbers to skip on each input line (default is 0).
-c channels
Specifies columns of numbers to use as input channels (default is 1).
-t tab-char
Specifies tab character separating columns of numbers (default action is to skip all blanks between numbers, as well as any of these characters: ',' (comma), '(', ')', '/', ':', or ';').
-m mult
Specifies multiplier to bring data to desired range (default is 1, for an input range of +/- 0.327 V). This allows an optimum scaling of Volts to A/D levels. E.g. a factor of 0.01 would give a range of +/- 32.7 V. Using a multiplier that is too large can cause the waveforms to be clipped when converted to A/D levels. If this happens, asc2run will warn you and suggest a maximum multiplier value.
-f freq
Specifies sampling frequency of input in Hz (default is 10000).
-d 'divisors'
Specifies sampling rate divisors for output waveforms (default is 1 for every input channel). Divisors must be separated by spaces, with the whole list quoted as a single argument.
-u units
Specifies units used in input data (default is V for Volts). Units can be either voltage multiples (uV, mV, etc.), or any other arbitrary units. Non-voltage units will make use of unit specifiers in the waveform name, as supported by the analysis(1) program.

If the numbers in the input file are in Volts, the calibration for the output file should be set correctly. If not, you will need to correct the calibration information in the output, or use an alternate unit specifier. See the calibration overview in calibrate(1) to find out more about managing calibration information. See the calibration section in analysis(1) to find out more about alternate unit specifiers, which are recognized by the analysis program.  


asc2run -m .2 -c 4 -f 5000 -u mV ks02.asc ks02
Converts 5 KHz data in a 4-column ASCII file with values in mV not exceeding +/- 1.635.


*.frm  frame file containing run header

*.w??  waveform files


calibrate(1), analysis(1), dsepr(1), frmfile(5)



This document was created by man2html, using the manual pages.
Time: 17:58:01 GMT, February 20, 2019
Copyright © G. R. Detillieux, Spinal Cord Research Centre, The University of Manitoba.