Analysis Help
Hierarchy of Analysis Menus

Menu Selection Action Performed
                Freq-inst. Set analysis type to Averaged instantaneous spike frequency vs Train number
                Interval Set analysis type to Averaged inter-spike interval vs Train number
                Quit Return to previous menu
            Duration Set analysis type to W.F. spike train duration vs cycle duration
                Freq. Set analysis type to Firing level vs firing frequency
                Spike-occurrence Select Averaged or Raw firing level vs spike occ.
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Vs-cycle Select Averaged or Raw firing level vs step cycle
            Quit Return to previous menu
                Freq-inst. Select Averaged or Raw instantaneous spike frequency vs spike occ.
                Interval Select Averaged or Raw inter-spike interval vs spike occ.
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Count-per-bin Set analysis type to Action potential vs step cycle histogram
                Freq-inst. Select Averaged or Raw instantaneous spike frequency vs step cycle
                Interval Select Averaged or Raw inter-spike interval vs step cycle
                Position Set analysis type to Action potential position vs step cycle
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Sorted Set analysis type to Action potential position sorted by cycle length
                Count-per-bin Set analysis type to Action potential vs W.F. level histogram
                Freq-inst. Select Averaged or Raw instantaneous spike frequency vs W.F. level
                Interval Select Averaged or Raw inter-spike interval vs W.F. level
                Quit Return to previous menu
            Auto-corr. Set analysis type to W.F. spike auto-correlation histogram
            Cross-corr. Set analysis type to W.F. spike cross-correlation histogram
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Latencies Set analysis type to Raw trace spike latencies vs step cycle
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Spike-counts Select Averaged or Raw trace spike count vs step cycle
        Quit Return to previous menu
            By-frame Set analysis type to Raw trace amplitude vs frame number
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Trace-vs-W.F.-amp Select Averaged or Raw trace amplitude vs W.F. level
            Vs-cycle Select Averaged or Raw trace amplitude vs step cycle
            Y-vs-X Select Averaged or Raw trace amplitude vs trace amplitude
            Duration Set analysis type to W.F. activity burst duration vs cycle duration
            LDP-vs-duration Set analysis type to W.F. L.D.P. level vs cycle duration
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Vs-cycle Select Averaged or Raw W.F. amplitude vs step cycle
            Y-vs-X Select Averaged or Raw W.F. level vs W.F. level
    Quit Return to previous menu
    Raw-W.F.-display Set analysis type to Raw waveform display
    Start&stop-time Set analysis type to W.F. activity start & stop time analysis
        By-tag Set analysis type to Trace averaging based on tag value
        Cycle-triggered Set analysis type to Trace averaging based on cycle phase
        Frame-list Set analysis type to Trace averaging by frame list
        Quit Return to previous menu
        W.F.-level-based Set analysis type to Trace averaging based on W.F. level
    Undo Set analysis type to previously used method
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Spike-occurrence Set analysis type to W.F. averaging - spike occurrence in cycle
            Vs-cycle Set analysis type to W.F. averaging - spikes within cycle
        Cycle-triggered Set analysis type to Waveform averaging based on cycle phase
        Quit Return to previous menu
            All Set analysis type to Waveform averaging - spike triggered
            Interval Set analysis type to W.F. averaging based on spike interval
            Quit Return to previous menu
Bins-save Save current averaged data in a file
Calibration Set run calibration information and channel names
    Load Load calibration information/labels from current run
    Quit Return to previous menu
    Save Save calibration information/labels for current run
        Height Set A/D value for calibration pulse height
        Level Set Calibration pulse level in uV
        Name Set Channel name (label)
        Quit Return to previous menu
            Bin Select averaged bin to view
            Frame Select raw frame to view
            Next View next frame/bin in sequence
            Prev View previous frame/bin in sequence
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Set Set calibration height/zero for trace visually
        Zero Set A/D value for zero volts
        Quit Return to previous menu
        Traces View trace calibration and run information
        Waveforms View waveform calibration and run information
        Height Set A/D value for calibration pulse height
        Level Set Calibration pulse level in uV
        Name Set Channel name (label)
        Quit Return to previous menu
        Visually Set calibration height/zero for waveform visually
        Zero Set A/D value for zero volts
Directory Change working directory
Go Perform selected analysis
Keep Save current parameters in a file
Load Load parameters from a file
Maint Run file and waveform file maintenance
    Blanking Create a W.F. with blanked out intervals
        Avg Subtract out averaged window for W.F. blanking [N]
        Delay Set Delay to window for W.F. blanking [0 per]
        Go Proceed with blanking operation
        Number Set Waveform # for data to be blanked [0]
        Quit Return to previous menu
        Window Set Window duration for W.F. blanking [0 per]
    Change-descr. Change the run description for the current run
    Differentiate Calculate the differential of a waveform
    Erase-W.F. Erase a waveform
    Filter Create a smoothed waveform by filtering
        Amp Set Amplification factor (gain) of filter [0]
        Baseline Set Baseline level for full-wave rectification [0 ]
        Cutoff Set Cutoff frequency of filter [0 ]
        Divisor Set Sampling rate divisor
        Go Proceed with rectification/filtering operation
        Highpass Perform highpass filtering, rather than lowpass [N]
        Lower-discr. Set Filter window discriminator- minimum level allowed [0 ]
        Notch Perform notch filtering, rather than lowpass [N]
        Quit Return to previous menu
        Rectify Full-wave rectify signal before filtering it [N]
        Upper-discr. Set Filter window discriminator- maximum level allowed [0 ]
        Visually Set baseline & window discriminators visually
        W.F. Set Waveform # for data to be filtered [0]
        Zero-lag Zero-lag (two pass) filtering [N]
    Gen.-trigger Regenerate a trigger signal waveform from frames
    Link-W.F. Create a link to a waveform
    Make-W.F. Create a waveform from a trace, using frame data
    Quit Return to previous menu
    Reframe Spike-trigger a new set of frames
        All Reframe entire run
            New-run Reframe into a new run
            Overwrite Reframe current run, replacing existing data
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Without-W.F. Reframe into a new run, without copying waveforms
        Quit Return to previous menu
        Range Reframe & trim run to current analysis range
            New-run Reframe & trim into a new run
            Overwrite Reframe & trim current run, replacing existing data
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Without-W.F. Reframe & trim into a new run, without copying waveforms
    Select-frames Invoke frmsel program to select frames
    Trim Trim run to current analysis range
        New-run Trim into a new run
        Overwrite Trim current run, replacing existing data
        Quit Return to previous menu
Plot Produce plotted output of displayed results
    Axes Set Plotter pen # for axes and text [0]
    Data Set Plotter pen # for data points/lines [0]
    File Produce HPGL plot file
    Interpolation Linear interpolation for plotter output [N]
    Markers Set Plotter pen # for marker symbols/lines [0]
    Plotter Spool HPGL plot to plotter
    Quit Return to previous menu
    Screen Screen redraw mode while plotting [N]
    Text Text plotting mode for plotter output [N]
    Video Dump video screen image to printer
Quit Exit from analysis program
    No Stay in program
    Yes Leave program
Reset Reset various parameters to initial values
    All Reset all parameters and display options
    Display-options Reset all display options
    Quit Return to previous menu
    Required Reset only parameters required for current analysis method
Set Set analysis parameters
        Bins Set Number of bins for W.F./trace averaging
        Preview Display preview of data used in average [N]
        Quit Return to previous menu
        Start-bin Set Starting bin # for W.F./trace averaging
            Frame-list Set List of frame #'s for frame averaging
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Trace-list Set List of trace #'s for frame averaging
            Delay Set Delay to window for W.F. averaging [0 per]
            List Set List of waveform #'s for W.F. averaging
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Window Set Window duration for W.F. averaging [0 per]
            Delay Set Delay for cycle phase selection [0 per]
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Window Set Window for cycle phase selection [0 per]
        Percent-active Set Percent of normalized cycle which is active [0]
        Quit Return to previous menu
        Stop-time Base cycle selection on stop time [N]
        Trains Base cycle selection on spike activity trains [N]
        Waveform Set Waveform # for step cycle selection [0]
        Description Set Additional description for graph display
            Diamond-size Set Size (in pixels) of diamond symbol [0]
            General Set Graph (symbol) type code for data graphs [Adaptive]
                Adaptive Automatic selection of Dot or Symbol
                Bar Set graph type to Bar
                Dot Set graph type to Dot
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Symbol Set graph type to Symbol
            Histogram Set Histogram type (bar style) code [Adaptive]
                Adaptive Automatic selection of Dot or Bar
                Bar Set graph type to Bar
                Dot Set graph type to Dot
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Symbol Set graph type to Symbol
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Std-dev Set Graph type code for plotting standard deviations [Adaptive]
                Adaptive Automatic selection of Dot or Bar
                Bar Set graph type to Bar
                Dot Set graph type to Dot
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Symbol Set graph type to Symbol
            Tag-symbol Set Tag character to be used as graph symbol
        Main-title Set Main title for graph display
        Num-format Set Format of numbers or number pairs for Bins-save
        Quit Return to previous menu
            Autoscale Automatic scaling mode for graph axes [N]
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Round-out Rounding out of min/max on scale bars for graph axes [N]
                Lower-bound Set Minimum X-axis value [0]
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Scale-bar X scale bar/axis display [N]
                Upper-bound Set Maximum X-axis value [0]
                    Lower-bound Set Minimum Y value for histograms [0]
                    Quit Return to previous menu
                    Upper-bound Set Maximum Y value for histograms [0]
                Lower-bound Set Minimum Y-axis value [0]
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Scale-bar Y scale bar/axis display [N]
                    Lower-bound Set Minimum level for any trace
                    Quit Return to previous menu
                    Upper-bound Set Maximum level for any trace
                    Lower-bound Set Minimum level for any waveform
                    Quit Return to previous menu
                    Upper-bound Set Maximum level for any waveform
                Upper-bound Set Maximum Y-axis value [0]
            Areas Show areas under mean and std. dev. curves [N]
            Cursor Get cursor readings on displayed data [N]
            Hist. Histogram display for averaged data graphs [N]
            Interp. Linear interpolation of data points [N]
            Overlay Overlayed bins for averaged trace(s) [N]
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Relative Display relative levels for averaged trace(s) [N]
            Std-dev Display of standard deviation of averaged data [N]
            Top-titles Top title display for graphs [N]
            X-interp. Extend interpolation toward clipped points [N]
            Freq Set Units for frequency display
                Hz Set units to Hz
                KHz Set units to KHz
                MHz Set units to MHz
                Quit Return to previous menu
            Level Set Units for AD sample display
                uV Set units to uV
                mV Set units to mV
                V Set units to V
                KV Set units to KV
                AD-units Set units to A/D
                Quit Return to previous menu
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Time Set Units for time period display
                usec Set units to usec
                msec Set units to msec
                sec Set units to sec
                periods Set units to per
                Quit Return to previous menu
            Height-tr. Set Percent of raw W.F. display height used for traces [0]
            Interp.-W.F. Interpolate points in W.F.s for parm. setting [N]
            Last-tr.-only Show only last trace in range horizontally above W.F. display [N]
            Mark-frames Mark frame positions on W.F. display [N]
            Overlay-W.F. Set Waveform # for signal to be overlayed during W.F. parameter setting [0]
            Pens Set Plotter pen assignments for raw W.F. display
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Resolution Set Horizontal resolution for W.F. display [0]
            Time Set Maximum length of time per waveform section [0 per]
    File Set run file name
        Bins Set Number of bins for average data graphs
        Cycles Set Number of cycles displayed on graph [0]
        Normalize Normalization of step cycle lengths [N]
        Quit Return to previous menu
        Regression Set Polynomial degree for curvilinear regression [0]
        Start-bin Set Starting bin # for averaged data graphs
        Quit Return to previous menu
            Quit Return to previous menu
                Number Set Trace # for second amplitude measurement (for Y axis) [0]
                Percent-max. Show Y axis trace amplitudes as a percentage of the maximum [N]
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Reference Set Offset to second trace amplitude reference point [0 per]
                Sample Set Offset to second trace amplitude sample point [0 per]
                    Avg-ref. Average points in second trace reference window [N]
                    Degree Set Polynomial degree for regression in second trace reference window [0]
                    Find-max. Find maximum point in second window, instead of minimum [N]
                    Integrate Integrate (sum up) points in second sample window [N]
                    Mean Average (find mean of) points in second sample window [N]
                    Quit Return to previous menu
                    Reference Set Search window for second trace amplitude reference point [0 per]
                    Sample Set Search window for second trace amplitude sample point [0 per]
                        Bin Select averaged bin to view
                        Frame Select raw frame to view
                        Next View next frame/bin in sequence
                        Prev View previous frame/bin in sequence
                        Quit Return to previous menu
                        Set Set second trace amplitude windows (for Y axis) visually
                    Bin Select averaged bin to view
                    Frame Select raw frame to view
                    Next View next frame/bin in sequence
                    Prev View previous frame/bin in sequence
                    Quit Return to previous menu
                    Set Set second trace amplitude parameters (for Y axis) visually
                Number Set Second waveform # for Y-axis amplitude measurement [0]
                Percent-max. Show Y-axis W.F. amplitudes as a percentage of the maximum [N]
                Quit Return to previous menu
                    Auto-range Set second waveform min/max levels automatically to full range
                    Lower-bound Set Minimum level for Y-axis W.F. amplitude [0 ]
                    Quit Return to previous menu
                    Upper-bound Set Maximum level for Y-axis W.F. amplitude [0 ]
                    Visually Set second waveform min/max levels visually
            Active-phase Measurements during active phase of cycle only [N]
            Number Set Trace # for amplitude measurement [0]
            Percent-max. Show trace amplitudes as a percentage of the maximum [N]
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Reference Set Offset to trace amplitude reference point [0 per]
            Sample Set Offset to trace amplitude sample point [0 per]
                Avg-ref. Average points in trace reference window [N]
                Degree Set Polynomial degree for regression in trace reference window [0]
                Find-max. Find maximum point in window, instead of minimum [N]
                Integrate Integrate (sum up) points in sample window [N]
                Mean Average (find mean of) points in sample window [N]
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Reference Set Search window for trace amplitude reference point [0 per]
                Sample Set Search window for trace amplitude sample point [0 per]
                    Bin Select averaged bin to view
                    Frame Select raw frame to view
                    Next View next frame/bin in sequence
                    Prev View previous frame/bin in sequence
                    Quit Return to previous menu
                    Set Set trace amplitude windows visually
                Bin Select averaged bin to view
                Frame Select raw frame to view
                Next View next frame/bin in sequence
                Prev View previous frame/bin in sequence
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Set Set trace amplitude parameters visually
            Activity-basis Base cycle activity statistics on start of activity [N]
            Delay Set Delay for W.F. amplitude measurement [0 per]
            Fixed Fix W.F. level bins to selected W.F. amplitude range [N]
            Number Set Waveform # for amplitude measurement [0]
            Percent-max. Show W.F. amplitudes as a percentage of the maximum [N]
            Quit Return to previous menu
                Auto-range Set waveform min/max levels automatically to full range
                Lower-bound Set Minimum level for W.F. amplitude [0 ]
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Upper-bound Set Maximum level for W.F. amplitude [0 ]
                Visually Set waveform min/max levels visually
            Window Set Window for W.F. amplitude measurement [0 per]
            Cycle-offset Set Cycle error offset for burst duration graph [0 per]
            Duration-type Set Type of burst duration calculation [0]
                0->start-stop Calculate burst duration from start to stop
                1->start-start Calculate burst duration from start to next start
                2->stop-start Calculate burst duration from stop to next start
                3->stop-stop Calculate burst duration from stop to next stop
                Quit Return to previous menu
            Flip-durations Flip around durations on X and Y axes [N]
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Relative Show burst durations relative to cycle durations [N]
                Cycles Use second W.F. for end of burst measurements [N]
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Trains Use second W.F. for end of train measurements [N]
            Vs-cycle Show burst positions in cycle on X, not cycle durations [N]
            After Take interval after spike, instead of before [N]
            Lower-bound Set Minimum inter-spike interval included in average [0 per]
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Upper-bound Set Maximum inter-spike interval included in average [0 per]
            Flip-LDP&duration Flip around L.D.P. and duration on X and Y axes [N]
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Time-on-X Show cycle start times on X, not cycle durations [N]
        Quit Return to previous menu
            Cycle-durations Show cycle durations in place of usual X-axis [N]
            Flip-X&Y Swap all X and Y parameters, to flip axes
            Quit Return to previous menu
                Cycle-offset Set Cycle error offset for X-axis of graph [0 per]
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Stop-time Base X-axis of graph on stop time [N]
                Trains Base X-axis of graph on spike activity trains [N]
                W.F.-number Set Waveform number for X-axis of start/stop time graph [0]
                Cycle-offset Set Cycle error offset for Y-axis of graph [0 per]
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Stop-time Base Y-axis of graph on stop time [N]
                Trains Base Y-axis of graph on spike activity trains [N]
                W.F.-number Set Waveform number for Y-axis of start/stop time graph [0]
    Quit Return to previous menu
        All Set Start & End points to whole run
        Delete-sections Set sections (ranges) to be deleted, visually
        End Set End point of analysis range [0 per]
        Go Perform selected analysis
        Next Move start/end of analysis range forward
        Prev. Move start/end of analysis range back
        Quit Return to previous menu
            All Set Start & End points to whole run
            Double Double current analysis range, keeping centered
            End Set End point of analysis range, keeping current length
            Go Perform selected analysis
            Half Halve current analysis range, keeping centered
            Length Set Length of analysis range, keeping current start
            Next Move start/end of analysis range forward
            Prev. Move start/end of analysis range back
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Start Set Start point of analysis range, keeping current length
            Undo Set Start & End points to previously used range
            Visually Set start/length of analysis range visually
            Waveform Set Waveform # for analysis range selection [0]
        Start Set Start point of analysis range [0 per]
        Undo Set Start & End points to previously used range
        Visually Set start/end of analysis range visually
        Waveform Set Waveform # for analysis range selection [0]
            After Set Number of spikes to correlate after trigger spike [0]
            Before Set Number of spikes to correlate before trigger spike [0]
            Number Set Waveform # for spike cross-correlation [0]
            Quit Return to previous menu
        Quit Return to previous menu
            Discriminator Set Window discriminator for spikes on trace [0 ]
            End-thresh Set Hysteresis for spikes on trace [0 ]
            Number Set Trace # for spike analysis [0]
            Offset Set Delay to start of spikes on trace [0 per]
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Start-thresh Set Threshold for spikes on trace [0 ]
                Bin Select averaged bin to view
                Frame Select raw frame to view
                Next View next frame/bin in sequence
                Offset Set trace spike offset visually
                Prev View previous frame/bin in sequence
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Thresholds Set trace spike thresholds visually
            Activity-basis Base spike activity statistics on start of activity [N]
            Disp-cycles Display of start and end of cycle activity [N]
            Number Set Waveform # for spike analysis [0]
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Reverse Spike occurrences from end of cycle [N]
            Skip Set Number of spikes to skip at start of cycle [0]
    Tags Set List of tag #'s for frame selection
        Abs.-time Display time scale in absolute units, not relative to start [N]
        Both-crossings Display of both start and end markers on W.F. [N]
        Cycle-lengths Display of cycle durations on W.F. display [N]
        Mark-crossings Display of cycle crossings on W.F. display [N]
        List Set List of waveform #'s for raw W.F. display
        Overlap Calculate & show overlapping W.F. activity [N]
        Partial-res Use partial display resolution on W.F. display [N]
        Quit Return to previous menu
        Time-min. Set Minimum length of time scale for waveform display [0 per]
View View current settings of various parameters
    All View all parameters and display options
    Display-options View all display options
    Quit Return to previous menu
    Required View only parameters required for current analysis method
W.F.-activity Set waveform activity parameters
        Cycles Export cycle activity markers for this waveform
        Deleted-sections Export deleted section markers for this waveform
        Quit Return to previous menu
        Trains Export spike train markers for this waveform
            Current Export current single-unit data set for this waveform
            Number Export a selected single-unit data set for this waveform
            Quit Return to previous menu
        Cycles Import cycle activity markers for this waveform
        Deleted-sections Import deleted section markers for this waveform
        Quit Return to previous menu
        Trains Import spike train markers for this waveform
            Current Import current single-unit data set for this waveform
            Number Import a selected single-unit data set for this waveform
            Quit Return to previous menu
    Keep Save waveform parameters in file
    Load Load waveform parameters from file
    Quit Leave waveform parameter setting menu
    Reset Reset waveform parameters to initial values
        All Reset all waveform parameters
        Quit Return to previous menu
        Virtual-W.F. Remove virtual waveform link
            All Set Start & End points to whole run
            Delete-sections Set sections (ranges) to be deleted, visually
            End Set End point of analysis range [0 per]
            Go Perform selected analysis
            Next Move start/end of analysis range forward
            Prev. Move start/end of analysis range back
            Quit Return to previous menu
                All Set Start & End points to whole run
                Double Double current analysis range, keeping centered
                End Set End point of analysis range, keeping current length
                Go Perform selected analysis
                Half Halve current analysis range, keeping centered
                Length Set Length of analysis range, keeping current start
                Next Move start/end of analysis range forward
                Prev. Move start/end of analysis range back
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Start Set Start point of analysis range, keeping current length
                Undo Set Start & End points to previously used range
                Visually Set start/length of analysis range visually
                Waveform Set Waveform # for analysis range selection [0]
            Start Set Start point of analysis range [0 per]
            Undo Set Start & End points to previously used range
            Visually Set start/end of analysis range visually
            Waveform Set Waveform # for analysis range selection [0]
        Interp.-W.F. Interpolate points in W.F.s for parm. setting [N]
        Mark-frames Mark frame positions on W.F. display [N]
            Delay Set Minimum delay between cycle threshold crossings [0 per]
            End-thresh Set Hysteresis for end of waveform cycle activity [0 ]
                Lower-bound Set Minimum level shown for cycle selection [0 ]
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Upper-bound Set Maximum level shown for cycle selection [0 ]
                Visually Set min/max discriminator levels visually
            Name Set Name for waveform cycle activity
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Start-thresh Set Threshold for start of waveform cycle activity [0 ]
            Trig-mode Strict trigger mode for cycle selection [N]
                Automatic Automatically set all cycle crossings
                Find-min&max Adjust start/stop times to local min/max
                Manual Manually add/delete cycle crossings
                Phase-shift Shift cycle crossings forward/backward in cycle
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Time-shift Shift cycle crossings forward/backward in time
        Quit Return to previous menu
        Resolution Set Horizontal resolution for W.F. display [0]
            Discriminator Set Window discriminator for W.F. spike analysis [0 ]
            End-thresh Set Hysteresis for end of waveform spike activity [0 ]
            Name Set Name for waveform spike activity
            Quit Return to previous menu
            Start-thresh Set Threshold for start of waveform spike activity [0 ]
                Automatic Automatically set spike trains
                Gap Set Minimum gap between trains of waveform spikes [0 per]
                Manual Manually add/delete spike trains
                Phase-shift Shift spike trains forward/backward in their cycles
                Quit Return to previous menu
                Time-shift Shift spike trains forward/backward in time
                Automatic Automatically set single-unit data
                Baseline Set Baseline W.F. level where spikes start and end [0 ]
                Discr-end Set Window discriminator for end of W.F. spike (AHP) [0 ]
                Import Import current single-unit data set for this waveform
                    All Show all spikes in all single-units, overlaid
                    Current Show all spikes in current single-unit, overlaid
                    Just-conflicting Show all spikes conflicting with current single-unit
                    Quit Return to previous menu
                    W.F. Mark all spikes in current single-unit on W.F. display
                Manual Manually set single-unit data
                Number Set Number of single-unit waveform spike data set to use [0]
                    Delay Set Delay to start of window for spike display [0 per]
                    Interp. Linear interpolation of data points [N]
                    Min-interval Set Minimum possible time between two successive spikes [0 per]
                    Quit Return to previous menu
                    Window Set Window duration for spike display [0 per]
                Quit Return to previous menu
                    Lower-bound Set Minimum allowed area under spike from onset to baseline (A/D sum) [0]
                    Quit Return to previous menu
                    Upper-bound Set Maximum allowed area under spike from onset to baseline (A/D sum) [0]
                    Visually Visually set spike area parameters
                Upper-thresh Set Upper threshold for peak of waveform spike [0 ]
                Visually Visually set second discriminator, baseline & upper threshold parameters
                    Lower-bound Set Minimum allowed time between spike onset and fall to baseline [0 per]
                    Quit Return to previous menu
                    Upper-bound Set Maximum allowed time between spike onset and fall to baseline [0 per]
                    Visually Visually set spike width parameters
            Visually Set waveform spike thresholds visually
        Time Set Maximum length of time per waveform section [0 per]
        Virtual-W.F. Setup a virtual waveform link to another waveform
    View View current settings of waveform parameters


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Copyright © 2019 G. R. Detillieux, Spinal Cord Research Centre, The University of Manitoba.