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Analysis Help
Analysis: W.F. averaging based on spike interval

A number of bins are set up for each waveform in the "W.F. # list", evenly dividing the range of inter-spike intervals selected by the "Min inter-spike interval" and "Max inter-spike interval" parameters. Each action potential in the range to be analysed triggers a sweep from each of the above waveforms. Each sweep is added in to the appropriate bin, based on the interval from the previous action potential. No sweep is triggered for the first spike in the range to be analysed, since no previous spike exists to permit an interval calculation. If the spike trains for the waveform selected by the "Spike W.F. #" have been properly set, intervals are calculated and sweeps are triggered only for spikes in the same spike train, and no sweep is triggered for the first spike in each train. The window and delay are set as they are for spike triggered averages.

If the "Take interval after spike" option is enabled, the bin for a given sweep is selected based on the interval to the next action potential, rather than the interval from the previous one. No sweep is triggered for the last spike in the range to be analysed, rather than the first, nor for the last spike in each train, when spike trains are set.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>AWSI  Analysis method  W.F. averaging based on spike interval
<Esc>SF  Run file  ?
<Esc>SRS  Start of run  0 msec
<Esc>SRE  End of run  2.14748e_08 msec
<Esc>SRD  # of deleted sections  0
<Esc>SCID  Phase selection delay  0 msec
<Esc>SCIW  Phase selection window  0.1 msec
<Esc>SSWN  Spike W.F. #  ?
<Esc>Wn<CR>SS  W.F. spikes  ?
<Esc>SAWL  W.F. # list  All
<Esc>SAWD  W.F. avg delay  0 msec
<Esc>SAWW  W.F. avg window  ?
<Esc>SAB  # bins- avg  ?
<Esc>SMIL  Min inter-spike interval  ?
<Esc>SMIU  Max inter-spike interval  ?
<Esc>SMIA  Take interval after spike  N
<Esc>SAP  Preview averaged data  N
<Esc>SDD  Graph description  ""
<Esc>SDSA  Auto scale  Y
<Esc>SDSXS  X scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDSYS  Y scale bars  Y
<Esc>SDTI  Interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTX  Extend interpolation  Y
<Esc>SDTO  Overlay bins  N
<Esc>SDTR  Display relative levels  N
<Esc>SDTS  Display std dev  N
<Esc>SDTT  Top title display  Y
<Esc>SDUL  Sample units  mV
<Esc>SDUT  Time units  msec


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Copyright © 2019 G. R. Detillieux, Spinal Cord Research Centre, The University of Manitoba.