Page: 363

Analysis Help
Parameter: Trace display height

Full name: Percent of raw W.F. display height used for traces
Range: [ 0, 100 ]
Initial value: 0

Affects: Raw waveform display

This parameter controls the amount of display height in the "Raw waveform display" which is used at the top for the display of traces. If set between 1 and 100, it determines which percentage of the display height is used, with the remaining percentage used below for all the waveforms. If set to 0, traces will only be displayed if the "Last trace only" or "Mark frame positions on W.F." option is enabled, and 25% of the display will be used for the traces in this case.

The sweeps are displayed vertically, unless the "Last trace only" option is enabled, and the first point of each sweep is lined up with the time (on the waveforms below) at which the frame containing the sweep was triggered. Deleted frames, and frames whose tag values are not in the "Tag list" are excluded. If the trace selected by the "Amplitude trace #" doesn't exist, the frame positions are indicated, but no sweeps are shown.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SDWH  Trace display height  0


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Copyright © 2019 G. R. Detillieux, Spinal Cord Research Centre, The University of Manitoba.