Page: 281

Analysis Help
Parameter: # bins- graph

Full name: Number of bins for average data graphs
Range: [ 1, 32767 ]
Initial value: 100

Affects: all graphs of averaged data, and all raw spike occ. graphs

This parameter determines how many bins will be represented on the X-axis of graphs. Depending on the type of graph selected, bins may represent cycle phase, trace or waveform amplitude, time, or spike occurrences within cycles. Whatever range is represented is evenly divided into the number of intervals given by this parameter. Averaged graphs will have one data value plotted for each bin.

By setting the "Histogram display" option, you can get a display of the count in each bin of an averaged graph, rather than the actual averaged data values.


Key sequence  Parameter Initial Value
<Esc>SGB  # bins- graph  100


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Copyright © 2019 G. R. Detillieux, Spinal Cord Research Centre, The University of Manitoba.