Spinal Cord Research Centre

SCRC Data Capture and Analysis Software
New Analysis Scripts

A number of new scripts were added to the script archives on our site in 2005:

These spike frequency analysis scripts were added to assist Dr. Gardiner's lab in analyzing the effect of injected current bursts or ramps on action potential frequency.
This script allows ASCII dumps of 1 or more waveforms from a run as a CSV file of mV values, downsampled to a frequency of your choice.
This script calculates cross-correlograms of 2 rectified and filtered ENGs, as output by the getwfdata script above. See Tutorial 14 for examples of this analysis.
These general purpose scripts calculate n-point rolling averages, normalization and differentials of data in CSV format ASCII files.
These scripts will analyze bursts on rectified and filtered ENGs and output the mean burst amplitude and area under the curve for each burst in a run.
This script reformats the information dumped out in the .frd file when doing a Bins-save of raw (preview) data in the beta release of the analysis program, so the information can easily be imported into a spreadsheet, database, or other application that reads .csv files.
This script dumps out a summary of frame spacings in a run, so you can check the consistency of your frame triggering interval.
This script will convert a run made of only waveforms into one with a frame that contains each waveform as a trace, for use with trace-based analyses.

This past year we also updated several scripts from the script archives on our site:

This script for generating start-stop time polar plots has been updated with the addition of these new options: -s specifies that spike positions, rather than burst start times, are plotted for the Y-axis waveform number, -t specifies the start and end of the analysis time range, overriding the default taken from the analysis parameters, -xp and -yp specify the pen numbers for axes (as well as labels) and for data in the HPGL output, and -f specifies the number of frames per second when generating multiple plots for an animation. For animations, you can follow Tutorial 18, Making a movie from data using Analysis, but in step 2 use gensspp rather than rawwfplt.
These scripts were updated to handle more than 16 waveform files, for use with the new beta release of our software. Also, wf2mp3 is an updated version of wf2wav, which will now produce either .wav or .mp3 sound files from waveforms, depending on the name by which it is invoked.

Be sure to watch our script archives in the coming year for further updates, and please let us know if you have any scripts to contribute.

See also: SCRC Software On-line Documentation, SCRC Software Tutorials

© Copyright 2006 G. R. Detillieux, Spinal Cord Research Centre, University of Manitoba. All Rights Reserved. Contact Us for more information.
Revised February 3, 2006.